I can't believe how fast time goes when you have little ones. You always get the advice to "enjoy every moment because it goes fast" and honestly 3 years ago I would have called your bluff !! Now I am the one wishing time would stand still for a moment. Addison is such a joy! She is a very calm baby who really only fusses when she is tired or hungry. She has discovered her hands and likes to put them in her mouth. She tends to suck on the top of her hand and her sucking is very loud!! She also continues to smile and is more aware of the world around her. She never sleeps when you really need her to or think she should. It has amazed me that even at such a very young age she is a girl who knows what she wants. Her clothes that were once to big are starting to fit which is expanding her wardrobe. Shoes don't stay on her feet, but we have found some really cute socks that stay on those cute little feet of hers. She is learning to love tummy time and has even taken a liking to the bumbo chair. Addie has started to coo more and say oh and ah which is so cute. I love how she fake coughs and then says "oh" it is precious. Addison we love you very much. Jace loves you and can't wait for you to chase after him. I look forward to this journey but am enjoying every moment with my family.
11 months ago