Monday, September 6, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears Oh My!! Oh and fish

Oh my that fish could really eat a little guy!!

Dan didn't your mother teach you not to stick your hand in the fish tank??

Drumming, Drumming, Drumming

Can we all say "Big Turtle"
This is Luke, Jace, and Logan

So funny the railing was just his height to stick his head under to get a better view

Jace playing the drum at the zoo!! He would have preferred to stay there all day banging away

Jace in the middle of saying "What is that?"

We had the chance this weekend to hang out with friends!!! I know crazy to think we really have them but we do. It was really fun seeing all our kids playing together, Jace was so happy to have little friends to play with. So our friends came Saturday night and we just hung out ate some food chatted, the boys watched football (yeah for BYU and there victory over Washington State) Sunday we decided to be bad and go to Denver for some Zoo and Aquarium fun. The kids loved the zoo, us adults were a little disappointed in the lack of animals must have been too hot! We then decided to get some food and due to the road construction and a not so good GPS we ended up at the Cheesecake Factory and I must say it was great!!! We then proceeded to go to the aquarium for some night time fish fun Jace loved all the fish he would just run around pointing and talking all about what he was seeing. A lot of the tanks are open and we would hold Jace up and he would stick his little hands in there so bad but hey he got to have a great experience right? As for Monday well we had a great breakfast, hung out and friends well they had to go back to for that. I promise our friends came I know I am lacking in pictures but our friend Dan has a camera and he is way better at taking pictures so he got the best ones. Dan, Betsy, Luke, Logan, and Claire we enjoyed having you and can't wait to meet up again with you soon!!!

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