Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Fun!!!

So I just love this time of year, in fact I wish it could be Christmas all year!! I just love the music, color, smell, weather, and pure joy I get during this time of year. This year for me is even more fun because now I get to share my love for this season with baby Jace and let me tell you he loves all the lights and wrapping paper!! I can't say he enjoys our trips to the store because lately he just wants to be out and about and not tied up in the car seat(can't blame him for that.) So just for fun I found a huge bow and thought this would be the perfect gift for all our friends a family!! He had fun letting me take pictures of him he even left the bow on his head =) The picture of Jace with Santa was at our ward Christmas party he did not cry at all but then again his eyes were rolling in the back of his head because he was so tired but you know how it goes first Christmas you have to get pictures with Santa.


The Bryger Family said...

He is so cute!!! Love the big bow. Hope you guys have a fabulous holiday!


linda said...

So cute, he is getting so big. Sorry I never got back to you on the stuff you called about, Nathan didn't seem too thrilled about it. Maybe another time. Hope you have a wonderful new year, let us know when you are coming to Az. Love ya!

Nicole Moultrie said...

Hey I'm now your blog stalker, I found you from Tia's..awesome! Im excited to follow along. That little boy is so cute! Ours is moultriemadness.blogspot.com. I new at all this so dont judge me on how bla it is, Ill get better.